The first and foremost responsibility of the Church is to take the gospel to every part of the world: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation" (Mark 16:15). Opportunities to do this are numerous. One way of fulfilling the Great Commission is a short-term missionary trip.
Short-term missionary trips can be extremely beneficial if one understands the purpose of such a journey. To experience "first-hand" the living conditions, customs and culture of another country is extremely important when seeking to support missionary work on the foreign field. Also, personally to exhort people in a distant land to consider Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of the world instills a greater passion for evangelism both at home and overseas. Finally, to encourage like-minded believers to practice their faith and to persevere amidst difficult circumstances strenghtens the unity of the Church, which the Holy Spirit creates within "the body of Christ." Therefore, if an opportunity arises, go on that mission trip!
Here are some guidelines when preparing for a short-term missionary journey.
For best prices and travel arrangements, if possible, contact a missionary or a missionary organization that is well acquainted with your specific destination. Utilizing money to its fullest during a missionary trip should always be a top priority.
A copy of your passport and visa should be made just in case they are lost or stolen. Keep these important documents always with you, even when sightseeing. Be aware of any restrictions concerning religious activity in the country to which you are traveling. Research the customs and culture of the people in order not to cause any offense, or be caught in any awkward or compromising situation.
A thorough knowledge of your itinerary is very important and will prepare you for any involvement in the actual events of ministry. "Fulfill your ministry" (2 Timothy 4:5). Be ready to share your faith in different ways, be it in a casual or a formal setting.
Luggage space is at a premium these days when traveling. The contents of your luggage are important both personally and practically for ministry.
Consider the time of the year when you intend to travel. Bring appropriate clothing. Consider taking clothing that is versatile. Be prepared for casual meetings and formal gatherings. Remember that items can be washed or worn again. Therefore, don't take too much clothing.
Be sure to take toiletry items that are sufficient for your journey. Take medicines for digestive difficulties, as well as colds and allergies. These items may be very expensive to purchase, or even difficult to find where you are going. Mishaps or malfunctions are bound to happen; therefore, be sure to take a small sewing kit, safety pins, a small first aid kit and a strong adhesive (crazy glue) with you.
Finally, always purchase some small items to present to host families or to anyone who offers you hospitality during the trip. Items with the name of your home state, such as magnets, key chains, caps or t-shirts, are great mementos and will be appreciated by those who offer accommodations or assistance. Also, a small jar of instant coffee or a special brand of tea, presented during a meal, is a wonderful gesture of gratitude. Monetary gifts, of course, are always appreciative but be sure to calculate the exchange rate and cost of living before you offer the gift. One must be careful not to offend the host with a gift that is overly exuberant or represents a meager pittance.
Ask God to "open doors" of opportunity to share your faith as you travel and when ministering on the mission field (Colossians 4:3). Pray, as you share the joyous news of salvation, that "bridges" for future missionary work may be built for churches and Christian organizations. During the trip ask God to keep you holy, healthy and happy, as you seek to be a living example of true Christianity. Above all else, pray that God will be honored and glorified in all the contacts and circumstances. "For this reason I endure all things for the sake of those who are chosen, that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus and with it eternal glory" (2 Timothy 2:10).
Most of us will never be full-time missionaries. However, we can respond to God's call by taking part in short-term mission trips. The motive for missions is love: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16). Every Christian is given the great privilege of sharing the amazing love of God wherever we are and wherever we go!